Monday 27 June 2011

problem neighbour?.............:P x

found this on the lovely interweb today. well i thought it was funny, then again i have a sick sense of humor :).
mini-heatwave for the last two days, i feel quite sorry for my friends as all i have done all day is moan and winge about how hot it is, oh well back to typical english weather soon i suppose....

and yet another picture in which i found slightly amusing....

....ahhhhh sometimes even i dont know how i come across things like this :).

Thursday 23 June 2011

any good websites???? x

so...not a lot going on a good book, fantasy lover by sherrilyn kenyon, wow talk about steamy lol.

havent blogged in a while, mind you no-one ever reads so i dont know why i bother sometimes....

im so bored at the moment...anyone have any tips on any good webites?? (clean would be nice lol)


anyone on virtual teen??  x

Thursday 9 June 2011

hey, doesnt this song get stuck in your head?..

remember this song? I LOVE IT!! lol, it always reminds me of when the 2 girls die in the sunbeds in final destination 3 (i think).....

lol, how amusing and incredibly sad at the same time :)

i cant believe you can follow your own blog!! as if you dont know what you write lol, (i probably don't, but there you go) i did it cause i had no followers and i wanted to see if you could follow yourself, how sad is that? im actually following myself lol, hopefully other people will start following me soon....assuming anyone actually reads this, i have no comments and no (other) i dont think anyone does lol.....oh well.

my dad booked a holiday in spain the other day, and we're going on the 10th of september so ill be in spain for my 18th, which is on the 12th, which is when my mum died so hopefully it will be a turning to hurry up and get a summer body....yeah right i like chocolate to much :P

and while we where out i conned my dad into getting me 2 books, the first being, tales of mystery and imagination by edgar allen poe and the second being a book about some interesting reading there i suppose...and im currently reading carpe corpus, a morganville vampire novel, book 6, for like the 3rd time lol, i seriously cannot wait until the others come out, i think in total there are going to be about 13....i hope there is anyway.....


Wednesday 8 June 2011

the ultimate cheese on my ipod...:)

putting yet more songs on my ipod, the music already on there is pretty insane already lol, as what i listen to often depends on what mood im in, so i seem to have ended up with the weirdest playlist in the world, for example, i have Jedward's song lipstick next to a song by the Black Veil Brides...madness lol....and thats not even the worst of it. today i was in a cheesy song mood, cause i got the fast food song stuck in my head and ive been singing it ALL day, and believe me that song is annoying enough without it being stuck in your head all day, so ive had a cheese-fest lol, and now im extremely bored, nothing new there though right? :)

have a wonderful day and drop by again soon....if you dare :P


Tuesday 7 June 2011

morbid moments and breaking dawn...

so...psychology exam today, went badly...that was kind of expected though, so in the half an hour i had spare, yes you did read that right, my exam was 90 minutes and 30 of those precious minutes were spent covering my arm in doodles....crazy right? anyway, in the end i think i ended up with a tree with no leaves on, with a man standing under it, and on the left of this facinating work (lol)....was a cat hanging....yep, i drew a cat hanging from a tree, not because im cruel or anything but i was thinking about Edgar Allen Poe, and his story/writing called the black cat, in which a man hangs a black cat from a tree then the cat haunts talk about cut a long story short, anyway i like his work, and did i mention extremely bored out of my skull at the time?
next was a coss entwined with flowers and thorns, a regular bird flying out of some flames, some stuff about bedlam and a few probably didnt want to know all of that but if you are reading this, something must have intrigued you enough to keep on reading :P (thanks though if you do read this)

OMG!....the trailer for breaking dawn is out, and it looks like its going to be EPIC! all twilight films are of course but still....i cant stop watching it....definitely a twilight addict! some say its bad for me i say something in life has to be fun, why not have an obssesion? (as long as it doesnt go to far and you dont turn into an ohpeliac!) any fellow twilighters that may happen to read this, please comment! or just anyone, i like comments, i just dont seem to get any! lol :)


Sunday 5 June 2011

bedam tv series on living....????????????

okay this is getting ridiculous, how long are they going to make me wait for series 2? does anyone else like/love this series? if there is not a series 2 i am going to cry, i have series 1 on dvd, i need my daily dose of bedlam!!!! and everyone says will young couldnt act in the series but i thought he was actually quite good lol, and whats going to happen with molly? and didnt jed see zoe's body, so what's happened to her? and whats going to happen to jed cause he's down in the morgue place?...........ugh so many questions......see, they have to make a 2nd gonna find out if there is one and when its coming back on....and if anyone knows anything, please tell me, ill love you for life seriously :)


look at me, being all mature and stuff...:P

have you ever thought about the birds in the sky? and listened to them singing at 4 in the morning? i did exactly that this morning...and why am i telling you this?..truth is i have no idea really, but got to have something to write about right? anyway, i felt strangely calmer and somewhat happier after doing that this morning, and i think it just reinforces the fact of how much we take for granted these days, take the birds for instance, they sing beautifully, yet do we ever take the time to listen? probably not, and the weather for example, yeah sure we always moan when it rains, im usually the first, but without rain, where would we be? the rain helps our flowers to grow and blossom, and without flowers, would there be any colour in the world? plus think of the insects that thrive and live off these plants and flowers, they would probably die out if there where no plants, unless they could adapt, but that may take a while, and without these insects, other animals and things would have limited/no food supply, i guess what im trying to get at, is next time you go outside or just as the day progresses, why not take the time to give thought to all the things we take for granted, and think of where we would be without them. :)

why not do something nice today? go for a picnic with the kids, or stay in and do something, like bake cakes or have a movie day with popcorn and everything, and if you dont get much time to yourself or with your other half, make today the day to do that, go out for dinner or do something you used to do when you first got together, remember you dont need money to do things, and if your single, (like me lol) go out with some friends, or do something you never normally have the time to do...anyway you should get the drift by now :)


Friday 3 June 2011

can you keep up? :)

ever feel like you have millions of people around you, and yet feel entirely alone in the world? i feel like that sometimes, but then i feel guilty for feeling like that.....anyway, today is supposed to be a good day, you know, a day when you dont feel all down and depressed....and its going well so far lol.
saw the new pirates of the carribean film the other day, i still think its the best one yet, however thats just my opinion, what do you think? (assuming you've seen the film of course), it seems funnier than the others, mind you, who doesnt like a bit of johnny depp now and then? im including guys in that as well by the way :P if you look at most, if not all the films he has done, its like he can do anyone...he's an awesome actor, and he does stuff with tim burton, (who is one of my favorite directors lol) which intensifies his awesomeness by a million :)

i need to find some more good books to one of these people who like teenage vampire stories lol, but ill pretty much read anything so if anyone would like to leave any suggestions they would be greatly appriciated. :)

back to school monday, oh joy, what fun lol....x

Thursday 2 June 2011 new! and other stuff....

hey, im new to this so please be gentle and i would love it if people could maybe drop some hints or some guidance of some sort :) all help would be greatly appreciated!!! thank you! :) x

so where to 17 and a lot of stuff has happened in those 17 years lol.
i lost my mother on my 17th birthday, and the inquest into her death is on the 10th of this month, im worried about my dad more than anything and how he is going to take it....well i'll just have to wait and see i suppose.........
im also in councilling twice a week and on antidepressants, i have deppresion, symptoms of PTSD and have issues with self just writing this so you might be able to understand my posts a little better.

god bless everyone x